R-square RiskLab
R-square RiskLab
R-square RiskLab is an independent body providing consulting and advisory services. It builds a consistent and result driven bridge between academia and world of practice. Our mission is to develop mathematical models and tools across industries. In principle our target segments are sovereign financial institutions, investment banks, commercial banks, asset management companies, pension funds, hedge funds, insurance, reinsurance, energy institutions & companies, manufacturing entities etc.
Every business has its unique set of challenges that requires customized solutions and R-square RiskLab offers tailor made solutions to each and every business verticals. Some of our areas of focus include loss distribution fitting with various types of scenario generator modeling, correlation modeling, intra-risk correlation matrix, stress testing, and several other issues across businesses like insurance, reinsurance and manufacturing etc.
Whether your operations are global, national or local, R-square RiskLab can help you make better strategic decisions, provide international resources, access worldwide markets and negotiate optimum terms.
Our core thought leadership provides acclaimed clients or collaborators the clarity to achieve a "Best" decision for the practice or research.