Call for Papers
Call for Papers
We invite all interested researchers to send in papers for consideration to be presented at the conference. Please submit extended abstracts or papers in pdf or word format to Rüdiger Kiesel by September 1, 2010 (extended).
Topics will cover:
- Energy & Weather Derivatives
- Energy Risk Management
- Modeling of Energy Price Processes
- Carbon Trading
- Energy Innovations & Energy Markets
- Physics & Commercial Operations
- Fluctuating Renewables & Markets
- Financing Energy Infrastructure
- Global Energy System Perspectives
We are happy to announce that a special issue of the Journal of Energy Markets will be published with papers from the conference. All speakers at the conference are invited to submit their papers to this special issue. Submitted papers will undergo the usual refereeing process.
There will be two “best paper awards” sponsored by RWE Supply & Trading for papers which contain results with a high potential for industrial applications. Authors who want to qualify for such an award should submit the complete version of the paper by September 15, 2010.
Scientific committee:
- Derek Bunn (London Business School)
- René Carmona (Princeton)
- Dominique Dupont (RWE Supply & Trading)
- Wolf Fichtner (KIT)
- Rüdiger Kiesel (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Christian Rehtanz (TU Dortmund)
- Michael Römmich (RWE Supply & Trading)
- Sven-Olaf Stoll (EnBW Trading)
- Christoph Weber (University of Duisburg-Essen)